© 2017 The original authors.

1. Introduction To High Availability Services

1.1. What are High Availability services?

WildFly’s High Availability services are used to guarantee availability of a deployed Java EE application.

Deploying critical applications on a single node suffers from two potential problems:

  • loss of application availability when the node hosting the application crashes (single point of failure)

  • loss of application availability in the form of extreme delays in response time during high volumes of requests (overwhelmed server)

WildFly supports two features which ensure high availability of critical Java EE applications:

  • fail-over: allows a client interacting with a Java EE application to have uninterrupted access to that application, even in the presence of node failures

  • load balancing: allows a client to have timely responses from the application, even in the presence of high-volumes of requests

These two independent high availability services can very effectively inter-operate when making use of mod_cluster for load balancing!

Taking advantage of WildFly’s high availability services is easy, and simply involves deploying WildFly on a cluster of nodes, making a small number of application configuration changes, and then deploying the application in the cluster.

We now take a brief look at what these services can guarantee.

1.2. High Availability through fail-over

Fail-over allows a client interacting with a Java EE application to have uninterrupted access to that application, even in the presence of node failures. For example, consider a Java EE application which makes use of the following features:

  • session-oriented servlets to provide user interaction

  • session-oriented EJBs to perform state-dependent business computation

  • EJB entity beans to store critical data in a persistent store (e.g. database)

  • SSO login to the application

If the application makes use of WildFly’s fail-over services, a client interacting with an instance of that application will not be interrupted even when the node on which that instance executes crashes. Behind the scenes, WildFly makes sure that all of the user data that the application make use of (HTTP session data, EJB SFSB sessions, EJB entities and SSO credentials) are available at other nodes in the cluster, so that when a failure occurs and the client is redirected to that new node for continuation of processing (i.e. the client "fails over" to the new node), the user’s data is available and processing can continue.

The Infinispan and JGroups subsystems are instrumental in providing these data availability guarantees and will be discussed in detail later in the guide.

1.3. High Availability through load balancing

Load balancing enables the application to respond to client requests in a timely fashion, even when subjected to a high-volume of requests. Using a load balancer as a front-end, each incoming HTTP request can be directed to one node in the cluster for processing. In this way, the cluster acts as a pool of processing nodes and the load is "balanced" over the pool, achieving scalability and, as a consequence, availability. Requests involving session-oriented servlets are directed to the the same application instance in the pool for efficiency of processing (sticky sessions). Using mod_cluster has the advantage that changes in cluster topology (scaling the pool up or down, servers crashing) are communicated back to the load balancer and used to update in real time the load balancing activity and avoid requests being directed to application instances which are no longer available.

The mod_cluster subsystem is instrumental in providing support for this High Availability feature of WildFly and will be discussed in detail later in this guide.

1.4. Aims of the guide

This guide aims to:

  • provide a description of the high-availability features available in WildFly and the services they depend on

  • show how the various high availability services can be configured for particular application use cases

  • identify default behavior for features relating to high-availability/clustering

1.5. Organization of the guide

As high availability features and their configuration depend on the particular component they affect (e.g. HTTP sessions, EJB SFSB sessions, Hibernate), we organize the discussion around those Java EE features. We strive to make each section as self-contained as possible. Also, when discussing a feature, we will introduce any WildFly subsystems upon which the feature depends.

2. HTTP Services

This section summarizes the HTTP-based clustering features.

3. Subsystem Support

4. Infinispan Subsystem

4.1. Purpose

The Infinispan subsystem provides caching support for HA services in the form of Infinispan caches: high-performance, transactional caches which can operate in both non-distributed and distributed scenarios. Distributed caching support is used in the provision of many key HA services. For example, the failover of a session-oriented client HTTP request from a failing node to a new (failover) node depends on session data for the client being available on the new node. In other words, the client session data needs to be replicated across nodes in the cluster. This is effectively achieved via a distributed Infinispan cache. This approach to providing fail-over also applies to EJB SFSB sessions. Over and above providing support for fail-over, an underlying cache is also required when providing second-level caching for entity beans using Hibernate, and this case is also handled through the use of an Infinispan cache.

The Infinispan subsystem provides the following features:

  • allows definition and configuration of named cache containers and caches

  • view run-time metrics associated with cache container and cache instances

In the following sections, we describe the Infinispan subsystem.

Infiispan cache containers and caches are created transparently as part of the clustering functionality (e.g. on clustered application deployment, cache containers and their associated caches will be created behind the scenes to support clustered features such as session replication or caching of entities around the cluster).

4.2. Configuration Example

In this section, we provide an example XML configuration of the infinispan subsystem and review the configuration elements and attributes.

The schema for the subsystem, describing all valid elements and attributes, can be found in the Wildfly distribution, in the docs/schema directory.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:infinispan:2.0">
  <cache-container name="server" aliases="singleton cluster" default-cache="default" module="org.wildfly.clustering.server">
      <transport lock-timeout="60000"/>
      <replicated-cache name="default" mode="SYNC" batching="true">
          <locking isolation="REPEATABLE_READ"/>
  <cache-container name="web" aliases="standard-session-cache" default-cache="repl" module="org.wildfly.clustering.web.infinispan">
      <transport lock-timeout="60000"/>
      <replicated-cache name="repl" mode="ASYNC" batching="true">
      <replicated-cache name="sso" mode="SYNC" batching="true"/>
      <distributed-cache name="dist" mode="ASYNC" batching="true" l1-lifespan="0">
  <cache-container name="ejb" aliases="sfsb sfsb-cache" default-cache="repl" module="org.jboss.as.clustering.ejb3.infinispan">
      <transport lock-timeout="60000"/>
      <replicated-cache name="repl" mode="ASYNC" batching="true">
          <eviction strategy="LRU" max-entries="10000"/>
        ~  Clustered cache used internally by EJB subsytem for managing the client-mapping(s) of
        ~                 the socketbinding referenced by the EJB remoting connector
      <replicated-cache name="remote-connector-client-mappings" mode="SYNC" batching="true"/>
      <distributed-cache name="dist" mode="ASYNC" batching="true" l1-lifespan="0">
          <eviction strategy="LRU" max-entries="10000"/>
  <cache-container name="hibernate" default-cache="local-query" module="org.hibernate">
      <transport lock-timeout="60000"/>
      <local-cache name="local-query">
          <transaction mode="NONE"/>
          <eviction strategy="LRU" max-entries="10000"/>
          <expiration max-idle="100000"/>
      <invalidation-cache name="entity" mode="SYNC">
          <transaction mode="NON_XA"/>
          <eviction strategy="LRU" max-entries="10000"/>
          <expiration max-idle="100000"/>
      <replicated-cache name="timestamps" mode="ASYNC">
          <transaction mode="NONE"/>
          <eviction strategy="NONE"/>

4.2.1. <cache-container>

This element is used to configure a cache container.

  • name This attribute is used to specify the name of the cache container.

  • default-cache This attribute configures the default cache to be used, when no cache is otherwise specified.

  • listener-executor This attribute references a defined thread pool executor in the threads subsystem. It governs the allocation and execution of runnable tasks in the replication queue.

  • eviction-executor This attribute references a defined thread pool executor in the threads subsystem. It governs the allocation and execution of runnable tasks to handle evictions.

  • replication-queue-executor This attribute references a defined thread pool executor in the threads subsystem. It governs the allocation and execution of runnable tasks to handle asynchronous cache operations.

  • jndi-name This attribute is used to assign a name for the cache container in the JNDI name service.

  • module This attribute configures the module whose class loader should be used when building this cache container’s configuration.

  • start This attribute configured the cache container start mode and has since been deprecated, the only supported and the default value is LAZY (on-demand start).

  • aliases This attribute is used to define aliases for the cache container name.

This element has the following child elements: <transport>, <local-cache>, <invalidation-cache>, <replicated-cache>, and <distributed-cache>.


This element is used to configure the JGroups transport used by the cache container, when required.

  • stack This attribute configures the JGroups stack to be used for the transport. If none is specified, the default-stack for the JGroups subsystem is used.

  • cluster This attribute configures the name of the group communication cluster. This is the name which will be seen in debugging logs.

  • executor This attribute references a defined thread pool executor in the threads subsystem. It governs the allocation and execution of runnable tasks to handle ? <fill me in >?.

  • lock-timeout This attribute configures the time-out to be used when obtaining locks for the transport.

  • site This attribute configures the site id of the cache container.

  • rack This attribute configures the rack id of the cache container.

  • machine This attribute configures the machine id of the cache container.

    The presence of the transport element is required when operating in clustered mode

The remaining child elements of <cache-container>, namely <local-cache>, <invalidation-cache>, <replicated-cache> and <distributed-cache>, each configures one of four key cache types or classifications.

These cache-related elements are actually part of an xsd hierarchy with abstract complexTypes cache, clustered-cache, and shared-cache. In order to simplify the presentation, we notate these as pseudo-elements <abstract cache>, <abstract clustered-cache> and <abstract shared-cache>. In what follows, we first describe the extension hierarchy of base elements, and then show how the cache type elements relate to them.
<abstract cache>

This abstract base element defines the attributes and child elements common to all non-clustered caches.

  • name This attribute configures the name of the cache. This name may be referenced by other subsystems.

  • start This attribute configured the cache container start mode and has since been deprecated, the only supported and the default value is LAZY (on-demand start).

  • batching This attribute configures batching. If enabled, the invocation batching API will be made available for this cache.

  • indexing This attribute configures indexing. If enabled, entries will be indexed when they are added to the cache. Indexes will be updated as entries change or are removed.

  • jndi-name This attribute is used to assign a name for the cache in the JNDI name service.

  • module This attribute configures the module whose class loader should be used when building this cache container’s configuration.

The <abstract cache> abstract base element has the following child elements: <indexing-properties>, <locking>, <transaction>, <eviction>, <expiration>, <store>, <file-store>, <string-keyed-jdbc-store>, <binary-keyed-jdbc-store>, <mixed-keyed-jdbc-store>, <remote-store>.


This child element defines properties to control indexing behaviour.


This child element configures the locking behaviour of the cache.

  • isolation This attribute the cache locking isolation level. Allowable values are NONE, SERIALIZABLE, REPEATABLE_READ, READ_COMMITTED, READ_UNCOMMITTED.

  • striping If true, a pool of shared locks is maintained for all entries that need to be locked. Otherwise, a lock is created per entry in the cache. Lock striping helps control memory footprint but may reduce concurrency in the system.

  • acquire-timeout This attribute configures the maximum time to attempt a particular lock acquisition.

  • concurrency-level This attribute is used to configure the concurrency level. Adjust this value according to the number of concurrent threads interacting with Infinispan.


This child element configures the transactional behaviour of the cache.

  • mode This attribute configures the transaction mode, setting the cache transaction mode to one of NONE, NON_XA, NON_DURABLE_XA, FULL_XA.

  • stop-timeout If there are any ongoing transactions when a cache is stopped, Infinispan waits for ongoing remote and local transactions to finish. The amount of time to wait for is defined by the cache stop timeout.

  • locking This attribute configures the locking mode for this cache, one of OPTIMISTIC or PESSIMISTIC.


This child element configures the eviction behaviour of the cache.

  • strategy This attribute configures the cache eviction strategy. Available options are 'UNORDERED', 'FIFO', 'LRU', 'LIRS' and 'NONE' (to disable eviction).

  • max-entries This attribute configures the maximum number of entries in a cache instance. If selected value is not a power of two the actual value will default to the least power of two larger than selected value. -1 means no limit.


This child element configures the expiration behaviour of the cache.

  • max-idle This attribute configures the maximum idle time a cache entry will be maintained in the cache, in milliseconds. If the idle time is exceeded, the entry will be expired cluster-wide. -1 means the entries never expire.

  • lifespan This attribute configures the maximum lifespan of a cache entry, after which the entry is expired cluster-wide, in milliseconds. -1 means the entries never expire.

  • interval This attribute specifies the interval (in ms) between subsequent runs to purge expired entries from memory and any cache stores. If you wish to disable the periodic eviction process altogether, set wakeupInterval to -1.

The remaining child elements of the abstract base element <cache>, namely <store>, <file-store>, <remote-store>, <string-keyed-jdbc-store>, <binary-keyed-jdbc-store> and <mixed-keyed-jdbc-store>, each configures one of six key cache store types.

These cache store-related elements are actually part of an xsd extension hierarchy with abstract complexTypes base-store and base-jdbc-store. As before, in order to simplify the presentation, we notate these as pseudo-elements <abstract base-store> and <abstract base-jdbc-store>. In what follows, we first describe the extension hierarchy of base elements, and then show how the cache store elements relate to them.
<abstract base-store>

This abstract base element defines the attributes and child elements common to all cache stores.

  • shared This attribute should be set to true when multiple cache instances share the same cache store (e.g. multiple nodes in a cluster using a JDBC-based CacheStore pointing to the same, shared database) Setting this to true avoids multiple cache instances writing the same modification multiple times. If enabled, only the node where the modification originated will write to the cache store. If disabled, each individual cache reacts to a potential remote update by storing the data to the cache store.

  • preload This attribute configures whether or not, when the cache starts, data stored in the cache loader will be pre-loaded into memory. This is particularly useful when data in the cache loader is needed immediately after start-up and you want to avoid cache operations being delayed as a result of loading this data lazily. Can be used to provide a 'warm-cache' on start-up, however there is a performance penalty as start-up time is affected by this process. Note that pre-loading is done in a local fashion, so any data loaded is only stored locally in the node. No replication or distribution of the preloaded data happens. Also, Infinispan only pre-loads up to the maximum configured number of entries in eviction.

  • passivation If true, data is only written to the cache store when it is evicted from memory, a phenomenon known as passivation. Next time the data is requested, it will be 'activated' which means that data will be brought back to memory and removed from the persistent store. If false, the cache store contains a copy of the cache contents in memory, so writes to cache result in cache store writes. This essentially gives you a 'write-through' configuration.

  • fetch-state This attribute, if true, causes persistent state to be fetched when joining a cluster. If multiple cache stores are chained, only one of them can have this property enabled.

  • purge This attribute configures whether the cache store is purged upon start-up.

  • singleton This attribute configures whether or not the singleton store cache store is enabled. SingletonStore is a delegating cache store used for situations when only one instance in a cluster should interact with the underlying store.

  • class This attribute configures a custom store implementation class to use for this cache store.

  • properties This attribute is used to configure a list of cache store properties.

The abstract base element has one child element: <write-behind>


This element is used to configure a cache store as write-behind instead of write-through. In write-through mode, writes to the cache are also synchronously written to the cache store, whereas in write-behind mode, writes to the cache are followed by asynchronous writes to the cache store.

  • flush-lock-timeout This attribute configures the time-out for acquiring the lock which guards the state to be flushed to the cache store periodically.

  • modification-queue-size This attribute configures the maximum number of entries in the asynchronous queue. When the queue is full, the store becomes write-through until it can accept new entries.

  • shutdown-timeout This attribute configures the time-out (in ms) to stop the cache store.

  • thread-pool This attribute is used to configure the size of the thread pool whose threads are responsible for applying the modifications to the cache store.

<abstract base-jdbc-store> extends <abstract base-store>

This abstract base element defines the attributes and child elements common to all JDBC-based cache stores.

  • datasource This attribute configures the datasource for the JDBC-based cache store.

  • entry-table This attribute configures the database table used to store cache entries.

  • bucket-table This attribute configures the database table used to store binary cache entries.

<file-store> extends <abstract base-store>

This child element is used to configure a file-based cache store. This requires specifying the name of the file to be used as backing storage for the cache store.

  • relative-to This attribute optionally configures a relative path prefix for the file store path. Can be null.

  • path This attribute configures an absolute path to a file if relative-to is null; configures a relative path to the file, in relation to the value for relative-to, otherwise.

<remote-store> extends <abstract base-store>

This child element of cache is used to configure a remote cache store. It has a child <remote-servers>.

  • cache This attribute configures the name of the remote cache to use for this remote store.

  • tcp-nodelay This attribute configures a TCP_NODELAY value for communication with the remote cache.

  • socket-timeout This attribute configures a socket time-out for communication with the remote cache.


This child element of cache configures a list of remote servers for this cache store.


This element configures a remote server. A remote server is defined completely by a locally defined outbound socket binding, through which communication is made with the server.

  • outbound-socket-binding This attribute configures an outbound socket binding for a remote server.

<local-cache> extends <abstract cache>

This element configures a local cache.

<abstract clustered-cache> extends <abstract cache>

This abstract base element defines the attributes and child elements common to all clustered caches. A clustered cache is a cache which spans multiple nodes in a cluster. It inherits from <cache>, so that all attributes and elements of <cache> are also defined for <clustered-cache>.

  • async-marshalling This attribute configures async marshalling. If enabled, this will cause marshalling of entries to be performed asynchronously.

  • mode This attribute configures the clustered cache mode, ASYNC for asynchronous operation, or SYNC for synchronous operation.

  • queue-size In ASYNC mode, this attribute can be used to trigger flushing of the queue when it reaches a specific threshold.

  • queue-flush-interval In ASYNC mode, this attribute controls how often the asynchronous thread used to flush the replication queue runs. This should be a positive integer which represents thread wakeup time in milliseconds.

  • remote-timeout In SYNC mode, this attribute (in ms) used to wait for an acknowledgement when making a remote call, after which the call is aborted and an exception is thrown.

<invalidation-cache> extends <abstract clustered-cache>

This element configures an invalidation cache.

<abstract shared-cache> extends <abstract clustered-cache>

This abstract base element defines the attributes and child elements common to all shared caches. A shared cache is a clustered cache which shares state with its cache peers in the cluster. It inherits from <clustered-cache>, so that all attributes and elements of <clustered-cache> are also defined for <shared-cache>.

  • enabled If enabled, this will cause the cache to ask neighbouring caches for state when it starts up, so the cache starts 'warm', although it will impact start-up time.

  • timeout This attribute configures the maximum amount of time (ms) to wait for state from neighbouring caches, before throwing an exception and aborting start-up.

  • chunk-size This attribute configures the size, in bytes, in which to batch the transfer of cache entries.

  • strategy This attribute configures the backup strategy for this cache. Allowable values are SYNC, ASYNC.

  • failure-policy This attribute configures the policy to follow when connectivity to the backup site fails. Allowable values are IGNORE, WARN, FAIL, CUSTOM.

  • enabled This attribute configures whether or not this backup is enabled. If enabled, data will be sent to the backup site; otherwise, the backup site will be effectively ignored.

  • timeout This attribute configures the time-out for replicating to the backup site.

  • after-failures This attribute configures the number of failures after which this backup site should go off-line.

  • min-wait This attribute configures the minimum time (in milliseconds) to wait after the max number of failures is reached, after which this backup site should go off-line.

  • remote-cache This attribute configures the name of the remote cache for which this cache acts as a backup.

  • remote-site This attribute configures the site of the remote cache for which this cache acts as a backup.

<replicated-cache> extends <abstract shared-cache>

This element configures a replicated cache. With a replicated cache, all contents (key-value pairs) of the cache are replicated on all nodes in the cluster.

<distributed-cache> extends <abstract shared-cache>

This element configures a distributed cache. With a distributed cache, contents of the cache are selectively replicated on nodes in the cluster, according to the number of owners specified.

  • owners This attribute configures the number of cluster-wide replicas for each cache entry.

  • segments This attribute configures the number of hash space segments which is the granularity for key distribution in the cluster. Value must be strictly positive.

  • l1-lifespan This attribute configures the maximum lifespan of an entry placed in the L1 cache. Configures the L1 cache behaviour in 'distributed' caches instances. In any other cache modes, this element is ignored.

4.3. Use Cases

In many cases, cache containers and caches will be configured via XML as in the example above, so that they will be available upon server start-up. However, cache containers and caches may also be added, removed or have their configurations changed in a running server by making use of the Wildfly management API command-line interface (CLI). In this section, we present some key use cases for the Infinispan management API.

The key use cases covered are:

  • adding a cache container

  • adding a cache to an existing cache container

  • configuring the transaction subsystem of a cache

    The Wildfly management API command-line interface (CLI) can be used to provide extensive information on the attributes and commands available in the Infinispan subsystem interface used in these examples.

4.3.1. Add a cache container


4.3.2. Add a cache


4.3.3. Configure the transaction component of a cache


5. JGroups Subsystem

5.1. Purpose

The JGroups subsystem provides group communication support for HA services in the form of JGroups channels.

Named channel instances permit application peers in a cluster to communicate as a group and in such a way that the communication satisfies defined properties (e.g. reliable, ordered, failure-sensitive). Communication properties are configurable for each channel and are defined by the protocol stack used to create the channel. Protocol stacks consist of a base transport layer (used to transport messages around the cluster) together with a user-defined, ordered stack of protocol layers, where each protocol layer supports a given communication property.

The JGroups subsystem provides the following features:

  • allows definition of named protocol stacks

  • view run-time metrics associated with channels

  • specify a default stack for general use

In the following sections, we describe the JGroups subsystem.

JGroups channels are created transparently as part of the clustering functionality (e.g. on clustered application deployment, channels will be created behind the scenes to support clustered features such as session replication or transmission of SSO contexts around the cluster).

5.2. Configuration example

What follows is a sample JGroups subsystem configuration showing all of the possible elements and attributes which may be configured. We shall use this example to explain the meaning of the various elements and attributes.

The schema for the subsystem, describing all valid elements and attributes, can be found in the Wildfly distribution, in the docs/schema directory.
<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:jgroups:2.0" default-stack="udp">
    <stack name="udp">
        <transport type="UDP" socket-binding="jgroups-udp" diagnostics-socket-binding="jgroups-diagnostics"
            default-executor="jgroups" oob-executor="jgroups-oob" timer-executor="jgroups-timer"
            shared="false" thread-factory="jgroups-thread-factory"
            machine="machine1" rack="rack1" site="site1"/>
        <protocol type="PING">
            <property name="timeout">100</property>
        <protocol type="MERGE3"/>
        <protocol type="FD_SOCK" socket-binding="jgroups-udp-fd"/>
        <protocol type="FD"/>
        <protocol type="VERIFY_SUSPECT"/>
        <protocol type="pbcast.NAKACK2"/>
        <protocol type="UNICAST2"/>
        <protocol type="pbcast.STABLE"/>
        <protocol type="pbcast.GMS"/>
        <protocol type="UFC"/>
        <protocol type="MFC"/>
        <protocol type="FRAG2"/>
        <protocol type="RSVP"/>
    <stack name="tcp">
        <transport type="TCP" socket-binding="jgroups-tcp"/>
        <protocol type="MPING" socket-binding="jgroups-mping"/>
        <protocol type="MERGE2"/>
        <protocol type="FD_SOCK" socket-binding="jgroups-tcp-fd"/>
        <protocol type="FD"/>
        <protocol type="VERIFY_SUSPECT"/>
        <protocol type="pbcast.NAKACK2"/>
        <protocol type="UNICAST2"/>
        <protocol type="pbcast.STABLE"/>
        <protocol type="pbcast.GMS"/>
        <protocol type="MFC"/>
        <protocol type="FRAG2"/>
        <protocol type="RSVP"/>
    <stack name="udp-xsite">
        <transport type="UDP" socket-binding="jgroups-udp"/>
        <protocol type="PING" socket-binding="jgroups-mping"/>
        <protocol type="MERGE2"/>
        <protocol type="FD_SOCK" socket-binding="jgroups-tcp-fd"/>
        <protocol type="FD"/>
        <protocol type="VERIFY_SUSPECT"/>
        <protocol type="pbcast.NAKACK2"/>
        <protocol type="UNICAST2"/>
        <protocol type="pbcast.STABLE"/>
        <protocol type="pbcast.GMS"/>
        <protocol type="MFC"/>
        <protocol type="FRAG2"/>
        <protocol type="RSVP"/>
        <relay site="LONDON">
            <remote-site name="SFO" stack="tcp" cluster="global"/>
            <remote-site name="NYC" stack="tcp" cluster="global"/>

5.2.1. <subsystem>

This element is used to configure the subsystem within a Wildfly system profile.

  • xmlns This attribute specifies the XML namespace of the JGroups subsystem and, in particular, its version.

  • default-stack This attribute is used to specify a default stack for the JGroups subsystem. This default stack will be used whenever a stack is required but no stack is specified.

5.2.2. <stack>

This element is used to configure a JGroups protocol stack.

  • name This attribute is used to specify the name of the stack.

5.2.3. <transport>

This element is used to configure the transport layer (required) of the protocol stack.

  • type This attribute specifies the transport type (e.g. UDP, TCP, TCPGOSSIP)

  • socket-binding This attribute references a defined socket binding in the server profile. It is used when JGroups needs to create general sockets internally.

  • diagnostics-socket-binding This attribute references a defined socket binding in the server profile. It is used when JGroups needs to create sockets for use with the diagnostics program. For more about the use of diagnostics, see the JGroups documentation for probe.sh.

  • default-executor This attribute references a defined thread pool executor in the threads subsystem. It governs the allocation and execution of runnable tasks to handle incoming JGroups messages.

  • oob-executor This attribute references a defined thread pool executor in the threads subsystem. It governs the allocation and execution of runnable tasks to handle incoming JGroups OOB (out-of-bound) messages.

  • timer-executor This attribute references a defined thread pool executor in the threads subsystem. It governs the allocation and execution of runnable timer-related tasks.

  • shared This attribute indicates whether or not this transport is shared amongst several JGroups stacks or not.

  • thread-factory This attribute references a defined thread factory in the threads subsystem. It governs the allocation of threads for running tasks which are not handled by the executors above.

  • site This attribute defines a site (data centre) id for this node.

  • rack This attribute defines a rack (server rack) id for this node.

  • machine This attribute defines a machine (host) is for this node.

site, rack and machine ids are used by the Infinispan topology-aware consistent hash function, which when using dist mode, prevents dist mode replicas from being stored on the same host, rack or site



This element is used to configure a transport property.

  • name This attribute specifies the name of the protocol property. The value is provided as text for the property element.

5.2.4. <protocol>

This element is used to configure a (non-transport) protocol layer in the JGroups stack. Protocol layers are ordered within the stack.

  • type This attribute specifies the name of the JGroups protocol implementation (e.g. MPING, pbcast.GMS), with the package prefix org.jgroups.protocols removed.

  • socket-binding This attribute references a defined socket binding in the server profile. It is used when JGroups needs to create general sockets internally for this protocol instance.


This element is used to configure a protocol property.

  • name This attribute specifies the name of the protocol property. The value is provided as text for the property element.

5.2.5. <relay>

This element is used to configure the RELAY protocol for a JGroups stack. RELAY is a protocol which provides cross-site replication between defined sites (data centres). In the RELAY protocol, defined sites specify the names of remote sites (backup sites) to which their data should be backed up. Channels are defined between sites to permit the RELAY protocol to transport the data from the current site to a backup site.

  • site This attribute specifies the name of the current site. Site names can be referenced elsewhere (e.g. in the JGroups remote-site configuration elements, as well as backup configuration elements in the Infinispan subsystem)


This element is used to configure a remote site for the RELAY protocol.

  • name This attribute specifies the name of the remote site to which this configuration applies.

  • stack This attribute specifies a JGroups protocol stack to use for communication between this site and the remote site.

  • cluster This attribute specifies the name of the JGroups channel to use for communication between this site and the remote site.

5.3. Use Cases

In many cases, channels will be configured via XML as in the example above, so that the channels will be available upon server startup. However, channels may also be added, removed or have their configurations changed in a running server by making use of the Wildfly management API command-line interface (CLI). In this section, we present some key use cases for the JGroups management API.

The key use cases covered are:

  • adding a stack

  • adding a protocol to an existing stack

  • adding a property to a protocol

The Wildfly management API command-line interface (CLI) itself can be used to provide extensive information on the attributes and commands available in the JGroups subsystem interface used in these examples.

5.3.1. Add a stack

/subsystem=jgroups/stack=mystack:add(transport={}, protocols={})

5.3.2. Add a protocol to a stack

/subsystem=jgroups/stack=mystack/transport=TRANSPORT:add(type=<type>, socket-binding=<socketbinding>)
/subsystem=jgroups/stack=mystack:add-protocol(type=<type>, socket-binding=<socketbinding>)

5.3.3. Add a property to a protocol


6. mod_cluster Subsystem

The mod_cluster integration is done via the modcluster subsystem.

6.1. Configuration

6.1.1. Instance ID or JVMRoute

The instance-id or JVMRoute defaults to jboss.node.name property passed on server startup (e.g. via -Djboss.node.name=XYZ).

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=undertow/:read-attribute(name=instance-id)
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => expression "${jboss.node.name}"

To configure instance-id statically, configure the corresponding property in Undertow subsystem:

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=undertow/:write-attribute(name=instance-id,value=myroute)
    "outcome" => "success",
    "response-headers" => {
        "operation-requires-reload" => true,
        "process-state" => "reload-required"

6.1.2. Proxies

By default, mod_cluster is configured for multicast-based discovery. To specify a static list of proxies, create a remote-socket-binding for each proxy and then reference them in the 'proxies' attribute. See the following example for configuration in the domain mode:

[domain@localhost:9990 /] /socket-binding-group=ha-sockets/remote-destination-outbound-socket-binding=proxy1:add(host=, port=6666)
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => undefined,
    "server-groups" => undefined
[domain@localhost:9990 /] /socket-binding-group=ha-sockets/remote-destination-outbound-socket-binding=proxy2:add(host=, port=6666)
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => undefined,
    "server-groups" => undefined
[domain@localhost:9990 /] /profile=ha/subsystem=modcluster/mod-cluster-config=configuration/:write-attribute(name=proxies, value=[proxy1, proxy2]
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => undefined,
    "server-groups" => undefined
[domain@localhost:9990 /] :reload-servers
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => undefined,
    "server-groups" => undefined

6.2. Runtime Operations

The modcluster subsystem supports several operations:

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :read-operation-names
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => [

The operations specific to the modcluster subsystem are divided in 3 categories the ones that affects the configuration and require a restart of the subsystem, the one that just modify the behaviour temporarily and the ones that display information from the httpd part.

6.2.1. operations displaying httpd informations

There are 2 operations that display how Apache httpd sees the node:


Send a DUMP message to all Apache httpd the node is connected to and display the message received from Apache httpd.

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :read-proxies-configuration
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => [
        "balancer: [1] Name: mycluster Sticky: 1 [JSESSIONID]/[jsessionid] remove: 0 force: 1 Timeout: 0 Maxtry: 1
node: [1:1],Balancer: mycluster,JVMRoute: 498bb1f0-00d9-3436-a341-7f012bc2e7ec,Domain: [],Host:,Port: 8080,Type: http,flushpackets: 0,flushwait: 10,ping: 10,smax: 26,ttl: 60,timeout: 0
host: 1 [example.com] vhost: 1 node: 1
host: 2 [localhost] vhost: 1 node: 1
host: 3 [default-host] vhost: 1 node: 1
context: 1 [/myapp] vhost: 1 node: 1 status: 1
context: 2 [/] vhost: 1 node: 1 status: 1
        "balancer: [1] Name: mycluster Sticky: 1 [JSESSIONID]/[jsessionid] remove: 0 force: 1 Timeout: 0 maxAttempts: 1
node: [1:1],Balancer: mycluster,JVMRoute: 498bb1f0-00d9-3436-a341-7f012bc2e7ec,LBGroup: [],Host:,Port: 8080,Type: http,flushpackets: 0,flushwait: 10,ping: 10,smax: 26,ttl: 60,timeout: 0
host: 1 [default-host] vhost: 1 node: 1
host: 2 [localhost] vhost: 1 node: 1
host: 3 [example.com] vhost: 1 node: 1
context: 1 [/] vhost: 1 node: 1 status: 1
context: 2 [/myapp] vhost: 1 node: 1 status: 1

Send a INFO message to all Apache httpd the node is connected to and display the message received from Apache httpd.

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :read-proxies-info
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => [
        "Node: [1],Name: 498bb1f0-00d9-3436-a341-7f012bc2e7ec,Balancer: mycluster,Domain: ,Host:,Port: 8080,Type: http,Flushpackets: Off,Flushwait: 10000,Ping: 10000000,Smax: 26,Ttl: 60000000,Elected: 0,Read: 0,Transfered: 0,Connected: 0,Load: -1
Vhost: [1:1:1], Alias: example.com
Vhost: [1:1:2], Alias: localhost
Vhost: [1:1:3], Alias: default-host
Context: [1:1:1], Context: /myapp, Status: ENABLED
Context: [1:1:2], Context: /, Status: ENABLED
        "Node: [1],Name: 498bb1f0-00d9-3436-a341-7f012bc2e7ec,Balancer: mycluster,LBGroup: ,Host:,Port: 8080,Type: http,Flushpackets: Off,Flushwait: 10,Ping: 10,Smax: 26,Ttl: 60,Elected: 0,Read: 0,Transfered: 0,Connected: 0,Load: 1
Vhost: [1:1:1], Alias: default-host
Vhost: [1:1:2], Alias: localhost
Vhost: [1:1:3], Alias: example.com
Context: [1:1:1], Context: /, Status: ENABLED
Context: [1:1:2], Context: /myapp, Status: ENABLED
operations that handle the proxies the node is connected too

there are 3 operation that could be used to manipulate the list of Apache httpd the node is connected too.


Displays the httpd that are connected to the node. The httpd could be discovered via the Advertise protocol or via the proxy-list attribute.

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :list-proxies
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => [

Remove a proxy from the discovered proxies or temporarily from the proxy-list attribute.

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :remove-proxy(host=jfcpc, port=6666)
{"outcome" => "success"}

Add a proxy to the discovered proxies or temporarily to the proxy-list attribute.

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :add-proxy(host=jfcpc, port=6666)
{"outcome" => "success"}

Those operations allow to send context related commands to Apache httpd. They are send automatically when deploying or undeploying webapps.


Tell Apache httpd that the context is ready receive requests.

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :enable-context(context=/myapp, virtualhost=default-host)
{"outcome" => "success"}

Tell Apache httpd that it shouldn’t send new session requests to the context of the virtualhost.

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :disable-context(context=/myapp, virtualhost=default-host)
{"outcome" => "success"}

Tell Apache httpd that it shouldn’t send requests to the context of the virtualhost.

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :stop-context(context=/myapp, virtualhost=default-host, waittime=50)
{"outcome" => "success"}

Those operations are like the context operation but they apply to all webapps running on the node and operation that affect the whole node.


Refresh the node by sending a new CONFIG message to Apache httpd.


reset the connection between Apache httpd and the node

6.2.4. Configuration

Metric configuration

There are 4 metric operations corresponding to add and remove load metrics to the dynamic-load-provider. Note that when nothing is defined a simple-load-provider is use with a fixed load factor of one.

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :read-resource(name=mod-cluster-config)
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {"simple-load-provider" => {"factor" => "1"}}

that corresponds to the following configuration:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:modcluster:1.0">
                <simple-load-provider factor="1"/>

Add a metric to the dynamic-load-provider, the dynamic-load-provider in configuration is created if needed.

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :add-metric(type=cpu)
{"outcome" => "success"}
[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :read-resource(name=mod-cluster-config)
    "outcome" => "success",
    "result" => {
        "dynamic-load-provider" => {
            "history" => 9,
            "decay" => 2,
            "load-metric" => [{
                "type" => "cpu"

Remove a metric from the dynamic-load-provider.

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :remove-metric(type=cpu)
{"outcome" => "success"}
add-custom-metric / remove-custom-metric

like the add-metric and remove-metric except they require a class parameter instead the type. Usually they needed additional properties which can be specified

[standalone@localhost:9999 subsystem=modcluster] :add-custom-metric(class=myclass, property=[("pro1" => "value1"), ("pro2" => "value2")]
{"outcome" => "success"}

which corresponds the following in the xml configuration file:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:modcluster:1.0">
                <dynamic-load-provider history="9" decay="2">
                    <custom-load-metric class="myclass">
                        <property name="pro1" value="value1"/>
                        <property name="pro2" value="value2"/>

6.3. SSL Configuration using Elytron Subsystem

This document provides information how to configure mod_cluster subsystem to protect communication between mod_cluster and load balancer using SSL/TLS using Elytron Subsystem.

6.3.1. Overview

Elytron subsystem provides a powerful and flexible model to configure different security aspects for applications and the application server itself. At its core, Elytron subsystem exposes different capabilities to the application server in order centralize security related configuration in a single place and to allow other subsystems to consume these capabilities. One of the security capabilities exposed by Elytron subsystem is a Client ssl-context that can be used to configure mod_cluster subsystem to communicate with a load balancer using SSL/TLS.

When protecting the communication between the application server and the load balancer, you need do define a Client ssl-context in order to:

  • Define a trust store holding the certificate chain that will be used to validate load balancer’s certificate

  • Define a trust manager to perform validations against the load balancer’s certificate

6.3.2. Defining a Trust Store with the Trusted Certificates

To define a trust store in Elytron you can execute the following CLI command:

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=elytron/key-store=default-trust-store:add(type=JKS, relative-to=jboss.server.config.dir, path=application.truststore, credential-reference={clear-text=password})

In order to successfully execute the command above you must have a application.truststore file inside your JBOSS_HOME/standalone/configuration directory. Where the trust store is protected by a password with a value password. The trust store must contain the certificates associated with the load balancer or a certificate chain in case the load balancer’s certificate is signed by a CA.

We strongly recommend you to avoid using self-signed certificates with your load balancer. Ideally, certificates should be signed by a CA and your trust store should contain a certificate chain representing your ROOT and Intermediary CAs.

6.3.3. Defining a Trust Manager To Validate Certificates

To define a trust manager in Elytron you can execute the following CLI command:

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=elytron/trust-managers=default-trust-manager:add(algorithm=PKIX, key-store=default-trust-store)

Here we are setting the default-trust-store as the source of the certificates that the application server trusts.

6.3.4. Defining a Client SSL Context and Configuring mod_cluster Subsystem

Finally, you can create the Client SSL Context that is going to be used by the mod_cluster subsystem when connecting to the load balancer using SSL/TLS:

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=elytron/client-ssl-context=modcluster-client-ssl-context:add(trust-managers=default-trust-manager)

Now that the Client ssl-context is defined you can configure mod_cluster subsystem as follows:

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=modcluster/mod-cluster-config=configuration:write-attribute(name=ssl-context, value=modcluster-client-ssl-context)

Once you execute the last command above, reload the server:

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] :reload

6.3.5. Using a Certificate Revocation List

In case you want to validate the load balancer certificate against a Certificate Revocation List (CRL), you can configure the trust-manager in Elytron subsystem as follows:

[standalone@localhost:9990 /] /subsystem=elytron/trust-managers=default-trust-manager:write-attribute(name=certificate-revocation-list.path, value=intermediate.crl.pem)

To use a CRL your trust store must contain the certificate chain in order to check validity of both CRL list and the load balancer`s certificate.

A different way to configure a CRL is using the Distribution Points embedded in your certificates. For that, you need to configure a certificate-revocation-list as follows:


7. Clustered Web Sessions

8. Clustered SSO

9. Load Balancing

This section describes load balancing via Apache + mod_jk and Apache

9.1. Load balancing with Apache + mod_jk

Describe load balancing with Apache using mod_jk.

9.2. Load balancing with Apache + mod_cluster

Describe load balancing with Apache using mod_cluster.

9.2.1. mod_cluster Subsystem

For mod_cluster configuration see mod_cluster subsystem configuration

9.3. Apache httpd

The recommended front-end module is mod_cluster but mod_jk or mod_proxy could be used as in Tomcat or other AS version.

To use AJP define a ajp connector in the web subsystem like:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:web:1.0"> +
<connector name="http" protocol="HTTP/1.1" socket-binding="http"/> +
<connector name="ajp" protocol="AJP/1.3" socket-binding="ajp"/>

sTo the ajp in the in the socket-binding-group like:

<socket-binding-group name="standard-sockets"
default-interface="public"> +
.... +
<socket-binding name="http" port="8080"/> +
<socket-binding name="ajp" port="8009"/> +
<socket-binding name="https" port="8443"/>

10. EJB Services

This chapter explains how clustering of EJBs works in WildFly 11.

10.1. EJB Subsystem

10.2. EJB Timer

Wildfly now supports clustered database backed timers. For details have a look to the EJB3 reference section

10.2.1. Marking an EJB as clustered

WildFly 11 allows clustering of stateful session beans. A stateful session bean can be marked with @org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Clustered annotation or be marked as clustered using the jboss-ejb3.xml’s <clustered> element.


import org.jboss.ejb3.annotation.Clustered;
import javax.ejb.Stateful;
public class MyStatefulBean {


<jboss xmlns="http://www.jboss.com/xml/ns/javaee"

10.2.2. Deploying clustered EJBs

Clustering support is available in the HA profiles of WildFly 11. In this chapter we’ll be using the standalone server for explaining the details. However, the same applies to servers in a domain mode. Starting the standalone server with HA capabilities enabled, involves starting it with the standalone-ha.xml (or even standalone-full-ha.xml):

./standalone.sh -server-config=standalone-ha.xml

This will start a single instance of the server with HA capabilities. Deploying the EJBs to this instance doesn’t involve anything special and is the same as explained in the application deployment chapter.

Obviously, to be able to see the benefits of clustering, you’ll need more than one instance of the server. So let’s start another server with HA capabilities. That another instance of the server can either be on the same machine or on some other machine. If it’s on the same machine, the two things you have to make sure is that you pass the port offset for the second instance and also make sure that each of the server instances have a unique jboss.node.name system property. You can do that by passing the following two system properties to the startup command:

./standalone.sh -server-config=standalone-ha.xml -Djboss.socket.binding.port-offset=<offset of your choice> -Djboss.node.name=<unique node name>

Follow whichever approach you feel comfortable with for deploying the EJB deployment to this instance too.

Deploying the application on just one node of a standalone instance of a clustered server does not mean that it will be automatically deployed to the other clustered instance. You will have to do deploy it explicitly on the other standalone clustered instance too. Or you can start the servers in domain mode so that the deployment can be deployed to all the server within a server group. See the admin guide for more details on domain setup.

Now that you have deployed an application with clustered EJBs on both the instances, the EJBs are now capable of making use of the clustering features.

10.2.3. Failover for clustered EJBs

Clustered EJBs have failover capability. The state of the @Stateful @Clustered EJBs is replicated across the cluster nodes so that if one of the nodes in the cluster goes down, some other node will be able to take over the invocations. Let’s see how it’s implemented in WildFly 11. In the next few sections we’ll see how it works for remote (standalone) clients and for clients in another remote WildFly server instance. Although, there isn’t a difference in how it works in both these cases, we’ll still explain it separately so as to make sure there aren’t any unanswered questions.

Remote standalone clients

In this section we’ll consider a remote standalone client (i.e. a client which runs in a separate JVM and isn’t running within another WildFly 8 instance). Let’s consider that we have 2 servers, server X and server Y which we started earlier. Each of these servers has the clustered EJB deployment. A standalone remote client can use either the JNDI approach or native JBoss EJB client APIs to communicate with the servers. The important thing to note is that when you are invoking clustered EJB deployments, you do not have to list all the servers within the cluster (which obviously wouldn’t have been feasible due the dynamic nature of cluster node additions within a cluster).

The remote client just has to list only one of the servers with the clustering capability. In this case, we can either list server X (in jboss-ejb-client.properties) or server Y. This server will act as the starting point for cluster topology communication between the client and the clustered nodes.

Note that you have to configure the ejb cluster in the jboss-ejb-client.properties configuration file, like so:

Cluster topology communication

When a client connects to a server, the JBoss EJB client implementation (internally) communicates with the server for cluster topology information, if the server had clustering capability. In our example above, let’s assume we listed server X as the initial server to connect to. When the client connects to server X, the server will send back an (asynchronous) cluster topology message to the client. This topology message consists of the cluster name(s) and the information of the nodes that belong to the cluster. The node information includes the node address and port number to connect to (whenever necessary). So in this example, the server X will send back the cluster topology consisting of the other server Y which belongs to the cluster.

In case of stateful (clustered) EJBs, a typical invocation flow involves creating of a session for the stateful bean, which happens when you do a JNDI lookup for that bean, and then invoking on the returned proxy. The lookup for stateful bean, internally, triggers a (synchronous) session creation request from the client to the server. In this case, the session creation request goes to server X since that’s the initial connection that we have configured in our jboss-ejb-client.properties. Since server X is clustered, it will return back a session id and along with send back an "affinity" of that session. In case of clustered servers, the affinity equals to the name of the cluster to which the stateful bean belongs on the server side. For non-clustered beans, the affinity is just the node name on which the session was created. This affinity will later help the EJB client to route the invocations on the proxy, appropriately to either a node within a cluster (for clustered beans) or to a specific node (for non-clustered beans). While this session creation request is going on, the server X will also send back an asynchronous message which contains the cluster topology. The JBoss EJB client implementation will take note of this topology information and will later use it for connection creation to nodes within the cluster and routing invocations to those nodes, whenever necessary.

Now that we know how the cluster topology information is communicated from the server to the client, let see how failover works. Let’s continue with the example of server X being our starting point and a client application looking up a stateful bean and invoking on it. During these invocations, the client side will have collected the cluster topology information from the server. Now let’s assume for some reason, server X goes down and the client application subsequent invokes on the proxy. The JBoss EJB client implementation, at this stage will be aware of the affinity and in this case it’s a cluster affinity. Because of the cluster topology information it has, it knows that the cluster has two nodes server X and server Y. When the invocation now arrives, it sees that the server X is down. So it uses a selector to fetch a suitable node from among the cluster nodes. The selector itself is configurable, but we’ll leave it from discussion for now. When the selector returns a node from among the cluster, the JBoss EJB client implementation creates a connection to that node (if not already created earlier) and creates a EJB receiver out of it. Since in our example, the only other node in the cluster is server Y, the selector will return that node and the JBoss EJB client implementation will use it to create a EJB receiver out of it and use that receiver to pass on the invocation on the proxy. Effectively, the invocation has now failed over to a different node within the cluster.

Remote clients on another instance of WildFly 11

So far we discussed remote standalone clients which typically use either the EJB client API or the jboss-ejb-client.properties based approach to configure and communicate with the servers where the clustered beans are deployed. Now let’s consider the case where the client is an application deployed another AS7 instance and it wants to invoke on a clustered stateful bean which is deployed on another instance of WildFly 11. In this example let’s consider a case where we have 3 servers involved. Server X and Server Y both belong to a cluster and have clustered EJB deployed on them. Let’s consider another server instance Server C (which may or may not have clustering capability) which acts as a client on which there’s a deployment which wants to invoke on the clustered beans deployed on server X and Y and achieve failover.

The configurations required to achieve this are explained in this chapter. As you can see the configurations are done in a jboss-ejb-client.xml which points to a remote outbound connection to the other server. This jboss-ejb-client.xml goes in the deployment of server C (since that’s our client). As explained eariler, the client configuration need not point to all clustered nodes. Instead it just has to point to one of them which will act as a start point for communication. So in this case, we can create a remote outbound connection on server C to server X and use server X as our starting point for communication. Just like in the case of remote standalone clients, when the application on server C (client) looks up a stateful bean, a session creation request will be sent to server X which will send back a session id and the cluster affinity for it. Furthermore, server X asynchronously send back a message to server C (client) containing the cluster topology. This topology information will include the node information of server Y (since that belongs to the cluster along with server X). Subsequent invocations on the proxy will be routed appropriately to the nodes in the cluster. If server X goes down, as explained earlier, a different node from the cluster will be selected and the invocation will be forwarded to that node.

As can be seen both remote standalone client and remote clients on another WildFly 11 instance act similar in terms of failover.

Testcases for failover of stateful beans

We have testcases in WildFly 11 testsuite which test that whatever is explained above works as expected. The RemoteEJBClientStatefulBeanFailoverTestCase tests the case where a stateful EJB uses @Clustered annotation to mark itself as clustered. We also have RemoteEJBClientDDBasedSFSBFailoverTestCase which uses jboss-ejb3.xml to mark a stateful EJB as clustered. Both these testcases test that when a node goes down in a cluster, the client invocation is routed to a different node in the cluster.

11. Hibernate

12. HA Singleton Features

In general, an HA or clustered singleton is a service that exists on multiple nodes in a cluster, but is active on just a single node at any given time. If the node providing the service fails or is shut down, a new singleton provider is chosen and started. Thus, other than a brief interval when one provider has stopped and another has yet to start, the service is always running on one node.

13. Singleton subsystem

WildFly 10 introduces a "singleton" subsystem, which defines a set of policies that define how an HA singleton should behave. A singleton policy can be used to instrument singleton deployments or to create singleton MSC services.

13.1. Configuration

The default subsystem configuration from WildFly’s ha and full-ha profile looks like:

<subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:singleton:1.0">
    <singleton-policies default="default">
        <singleton-policy name="default" cache-container="server">

A singleton policy defines:

  1. A unique name

  2. A cache container and cache with which to register singleton provider candidates

  3. An election policy

  4. A quorum (optional)

One can add a new singleton policy via the following management operation:


13.1.1. Cache configuration

The cache-container and cache attributes of a singleton policy must reference a valid cache from the Infinispan subsystem. If no specific cache is defined, the default cache of the cache container is assumed. This cache is used as a registry of which nodes can provide a given service and will typically use a replicated-cache configuration.

13.1.2. Election policies

WildFly 10 includes 2 singleton election policy implementations:

  • simple
    Elects the provider (a.k.a. master) of a singleton service based on a specified position in a circular linked list of eligible nodes sorted by descending age. Position=0, the default value, refers to the oldest node, 1 is second oldest, etc. ; while position=-1 refers to the youngest node, -2 to the second youngest, etc.

  • random
    Elects a random member to be the provider of a singleton service


Additionally, any singleton election policy may indicate a preference for one or more members of a cluster. Preferences may be defined either via node name or via outbound socket binding name. Node preferences always take precedent over the results of an election policy.

/subsystem=singleton/singleton-policy=foo/election-policy=simple:list-add(name=name-preferences, value=nodeA)
/subsystem=singleton/singleton-policy=bar/election-policy=random:list-add(name=socket-binding-preferences, value=nodeA)

13.1.3. Quorum

Network partitions are particularly problematic for singleton services, since they can trigger multiple singleton providers for the same service to run at the same time. To defend against this scenario, a singleton policy may define a quorum that requires a minimum number of nodes to be present before a singleton provider election can take place. A typical deployment scenario uses a quorum of N/2 + 1, where N is the anticipated cluster size. This value can be updated at runtime, and will immediately affect any active singleton services.

/subsystem=singleton/singleton-policy=foo:write-attribute(name=quorum, value=3)

13.2. Non-HA environments

The singleton subsystem can be used in a non-HA profile, so long as the cache that it references uses a local-cache configuration. In this manner, an application leveraging singleton functionality (via the singleton API or using a singleton deployment descriptor) will continue function as if the server was a sole member of a cluster. For obvious reasons, the use of a quorum does not make sense in such a configuration.

14. Singleton deployments

WildFly 10 resurrects the ability to start a given deployment on a single node in the cluster at any given time. If that node shuts down, or fails, the application will automatically start on another node on which the given deployment exists. Long time users of JBoss AS will recognize this functionality as being akin to the HASingletonDeployer, a.k.a. " deploy-hasingleton", feature of AS6 and earlier.

14.1. Usage

A deployment indicates that it should be deployed as a singleton via a deployment descriptor. This can either be a standalone "/META-INF/singleton-deployment.xml" file or embedded within an existing jboss-all.xml descriptor. This descriptor may be applied to any deployment type, e.g. JAR, WAR, EAR, etc., with the exception of a subdeployment within an EAR.

<singleton-deployment xmlns="urn:jboss:singleton-deployment:1.0" policy="foo"/>

The singleton deployment descriptor defines which singleton policy should be used to deploy the application. If undefined, the default singleton policy is used, as defined by the singleton subsystem.

Using a standalone descriptor is often preferable, since it may be overlaid onto an existing deployment archive.

deployment-overlay add --name=singleton-policy-foo --content=/META-INF/singleton-deployment.xml=/path/to/singleton-deployment.xml --deployments=my-app.jar --redeploy-affected

15. Singleton MSC services

WildFly allows any user MSC service to be installed as a singleton MSC service via a public API. Once installed, the service will only ever start on 1 node in the cluster at a time. If the node providing the service is shutdown, or fails, another node on which the service was installed will start automatically.

15.1. Installing an MSC service using an existing singleton policy

While singleton MSC services have been around since AS7, WildFly 10 adds the ability to leverage the singleton subsystem to create singleton MSC services from existing singleton policies.

The singleton subsystem exposes capabilities for each singleton policy it defines. These policies, represented via the org.wildfly.clustering.singleton.SingletonPolicy interface, can be referenced via the following name: "org.wildfly.clustering.singleton.policy"

public class MyServiceActivator implements ServiceActivator {
    public void activate(ServiceActivatorContext context) {
        ServiceName name = ServiceName.parse("my.service.name");
        Service<?> service = new MyService();
        try {
            SingletonPolicy policy = (SingletonPolicy) context.getServiceRegistry().getRequiredService(ServiceName.parse(SingletonPolicy.CAPABILITY_NAME)).awaitValue();
            policy.createSingletonServiceBuilder(name, service).build(context.getServiceTarget()).install();
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new ServiceRegistryException(e);

15.2. Installing an MSC service using dynamic singleton policy

Alternatively, you can build singleton policy dynamically, which is particularly useful if you want to use a custom singleton election policy. Specifically, SingletonPolicy is a generalization of the org.wildfly.clustering.singleton.SingletonServiceBuilderFactory interface, which includes support for specifying an election policy and, optionally, a quorum.

public class MyServiceActivator implements ServiceActivator {
    public void activate(ServiceActivatorContext context) {
        String containerName = "server";
        ElectionPolicy policy = new MySingletonElectionPolicy();
        int quorum = 3;
        ServiceName name = ServiceName.parse("my.service.name");
        Service<?> service = new MyService();
        try {
            SingletonServiceBuilderFactory factory = (SingletonServiceBuilderFactory) context.getServiceRegistry().getRequiredService(SingletonServiceName.BUILDER.getServiceName(containerName))).awaitValue();
            factory.createSingletonServiceBuilder(name, service)
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new ServiceRegistryException(e);

This section describes additional issues related to the clustering subsystems.

16.1. Modularity And Class Loading

Describe classloading and monitoring framework as it affects clustering applications.

16.2. Monitoring

Describe resources available for monitoring clustered applications.

17. Changes From Previous Versions

Describe here key changes between releases.

17.1. Key changes

17.2. Migration to Wildfly

18. Clustering and Domain Setup Walkthrough

In this article, I’d like to show you how to setup WildFly 9 in domain mode and enable clustering so we could get HA and session replication among the nodes. It’s a step to step guide so you can follow the instructions in this article and build the sandbox by yourself

18.1. Preparation & Scenario

18.1.1. Preparation

We need to prepare two hosts (or virtual hosts) to do the experiment. We will use these two hosts as following:

  • Install Fedora 16 on them (Other linux version may also fine but I’ll use Fedora 16 in this article)

  • Make sure that they are in same local network

  • Make sure that they can access each other via different TCP/UDP ports(better turn off firewall and disable SELinux during the experiment or they will cause network problems).

18.1.2. Scenario

Here are some details on what we are going to do:

  • Let’s call one host as 'master', the other one as 'slave'.

  • Both master and slave will run WildFly 9, and master will run as domain controller, slave will under the domain management of master.

  • Apache httpd will be run on master, and in httpd we will enable the mod_cluster module. The WildFly 9 on master and slave will form a cluster and discovered by httpd.


  • We will deploy a demo project into domain, and verify that the project is deployed into both master and slave by domain controller. Thus we could see that domain management provide us a single point to manage the deployments across multiple hosts in a single domain.

  • We will access the cluster URL and verify that httpd has distributed the request to one of the WildFly host. So we could see the cluster is working properly.

  • We will try to make a request on cluster, and if the request is forwarded to master, we then kill the WildFly process on master. After that we will go on requesting cluster and we should see the request is forwarded to slave, but the session is not lost. Our goal is to verify the HA is working and sessions are replicated.

  • After previous step finished, we reconnect the master by restarting it. We should see the master is registered back into cluster, also we should see slave sees master as domain controller again and connect to it.


Please don’t worry if you cannot digest so many details currently. Let’s move on and you will get the points step by step.

18.2. Download WildFly 9

First we should download WildFly 9 from the website:


The version I downloaded is WildFly 9.0.0.Final.

After download finished, I got the zip file:


Note: The name of your archive will differ slightly due to version naming conventions.
Then I unzipped the package to master and try to make a test run:

unzip wildfly-9.0.0.Final.zip
cd wildfly-9.0.0.Final/bin

If everything ok we should see WildFly successfully startup in domain mode:

wildfly-9.0.0.Final/bin$ ./domain.sh
  JBoss Bootstrap Environment
  JBOSS_HOME: /Users/weli/Downloads/wildfly-9.0.0.Final
  JAVA: /Library/Java/Home/bin/java
  JAVA_OPTS: -Xms64m -Xmx512m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Djava.net.preferIPv4Stack=true -Dorg.jboss.resolver.warning=true -Dsun.rmi.dgc.client.gcInterval=3600000 -Dsun.rmi.dgc.server.gcInterval=3600000 -Djboss.modules.system.pkgs=org.jboss.byteman -Djava.awt.headless=true
[Server:server-two] 14:46:12,375 INFO  [org.jboss.as] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS015874: WildFly 9.0.0.Final "Kenny" started in 8860ms - Started 210 of 258 services (89 services are lazy, passive or on-demand)

Now exit master and let’s repeat the same steps on slave host. Finally we get WildFly 11 run on both master and slave, then we could move on to next step.

18.3. Domain Configuration

18.3.1. Interface config on master

In this section we’ll setup both master and slave for them to run in domain mode. And we will configure master to be the domain controller.

First open the host.xml in master for editing:

vi domain/configuration/host.xml

The default settings for interface in this file is like:

    <interface name="management">
        <inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address.management:}"/>
    <interface name="public">
       <inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address:}"/>
    <interface name="unsecured">       
       <inet-address value="" />    

We need to change the address to the management interface so slave could connect to master. The public interface allows the application to be accessed by non-local HTTP, and the unsecured interface allows remote RMI access. My master’s ip address is, so I change the config to:

    <interface name="management"
        <inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address.management:}"/>
    <interface name="public">
       <inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address:}"/>
    <interface name="unsecured">
       <inet-address value="" />    

18.3.2. Interface config on slave

Now we will setup interfaces on slave. Let’s edit host.xml. Similar to the steps on master, open host.xml first:

vi domain/configuration/host.xml

The configuration we’ll use on slave is a little bit different, because we need to let slave connect to master. First we need to set the hostname. We change the name property from:

<host name="master" xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:3.0">


<host name="slave" xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:3.0">

Then we need to modify domain-controller section so slave can connect to master’s management port:

   <remote protocol="remote" host="" port="9999" />

As we know, is the ip address of master.
You may use discovery options to define multiple mechanisms to connect to the remote domain controller :

 <remote security-realm="ManagementRealm" >
     <static-discovery name="master-native" protocol="remote"  host="" port=9999" />
     <static-discovery name="master-https" protocol="https-remoting" host="" port="9993" security-realm="ManagementRealm"/>
     <static-discovery name="master-http" protocol="http-remoting" host="" port="9990" />

Finally, we also need to configure interfaces section and expose the management ports to public address:

    <interface name="management">
        <inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address.management:}"/>
    <interface name="public">
       <inet-address value="${jboss.bind.address:}"/>
    <interface name="unsecured">       
       <inet-address value="" />    
</interfaces> is the ip address of the slave. Refer to the domain controller configuration above for an explanation of the management, public, and unsecured interfaces.

It is easier to turn off all firewalls for testing, but in production, you need to enable the firewall and allow access to the following ports: 9999.

18.3.3. Security Configuration

If you start WildFly on both master and slave now, you will see the slave cannot be started with following error:

[Host Controller] 20:31:24,575 ERROR [org.jboss.remoting.remote] (Remoting "endpoint" read-1) JBREM000200: Remote connection failed: javax.security.sasl.SaslException: Authentication failed: all available authentication mechanisms failed
[Host Controller] 20:31:24,579 WARN  [org.jboss.as.host.controller] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS010900: Could not connect to remote domain controller
[Host Controller] 20:31:24,582 ERROR [org.jboss.as.host.controller] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS010901: Could not connect to master. Aborting. Error was: java.lang.IllegalStateException: JBAS010942: Unable to connect due to authentication failure.

Because we haven’t properly set up the authentication between master and slave. Now let’s work on it:


In bin directory there is a script called add-user.sh, we’ll use it to add new users to the properties file used for domain management authentication:

Enter the details of the new user to add.
Realm (ManagementRealm) :
Username : admin
Password recommendations are listed below. To modify these restrictions edit the add-user.properties configuration file.
 - The password should not be one of the following restricted values {root, admin, administrator}
 - The password should contain at least 8 characters, 1 alphabetic character(s), 1 digit(s), 1 non-alphanumeric symbol(s)
 - The password should be different from the username
Password : passw0rd!
Re-enter Password : passw0rd!
The username 'admin' is easy to guess
Are you sure you want to add user 'admin' yes/no? yes
About to add user 'admin' for realm 'ManagementRealm'
Is this correct yes/no? yes
Added user 'admin' to file '/home/weli/projs/wildfly-9.0.0.Final/standalone/configuration/mgmt-users.properties'
Added user 'admin' to file '/home/weli/projs/wildfly-9.0.0.Final/domain/configuration/mgmt-users.properties'

As shown above, we have created a user named 'admin' and its password is 'passw0rd!'. Then we add another user called 'slave':

Enter the details of the new user to add.
Realm (ManagementRealm) :
Username : slave
Password recommendations are listed below. To modify these restrictions edit the add-user.properties configuration file.
 - The password should not be one of the following restricted values {root, admin, administrator}
 - The password should contain at least 8 characters, 1 alphabetic character(s), 1 digit(s), 1 non-alphanumeric symbol(s)
 - The password should be different from the username
Password : passw0rd!
Re-enter Password : passw0rd!
What groups do you want this user to belong to? (Please enter a comma separated list, or leave blank for none)[  ]:
About to add user 'slave' for realm 'ManagementRealm'
Is this correct yes/no? yes
Added user 'slave' to file '/home/weli/projs/wildfly-9.0.0.Final/standalone/configuration/mgmt-users.properties'
Added user 'slave' to file '/home/weli/projs/wildfly-9.0.0.Final/domain/configuration/mgmt-users.properties'
Added user 'slave' with groups  to file '/home/weli/projs/wildfly-9.0.0.Final/standalone/configuration/mgmt-groups.properties'
Added user 'slave' with groups  to file '/home/weli/projs/wildfly-9.0.0.Final/domain/configuration/mgmt-groups.properties'
Is this new user going to be used for one AS process to connect to another AS process?
e.g. for a slave host controller connecting to the master or for a Remoting connection for server to server EJB calls.
yes/no? yes
To represent the user add the following to the server-identities definition <secret value="cGFzc3cwcmQh" />

We will use this user for slave host to connect to master. The add-user.sh will let you choose the type of the user. Here we need to choose 'Management User' type for both 'admin' and 'slave' account.


In slave we need to configure host.xml for authentication. We should change the security-realms section as following:

   <security-realm name="ManagementRealm">
           <secret value="cGFzc3cwcmQh" />
           <!-- This is required for SSL remoting -->
             <keystore path="server.keystore" relative-to="jboss.domain.config.dir" keystore-password="jbossas" alias="jboss" key-password="jbossas"/>
           <properties path="mgmt-users.properties" relative-to="jboss.domain.config.dir"/>

We’ve added server-identities into security-realm, which is used for authentication host when slave tries to connect to master. In secret value property we have 'cGFzc3cwcmQh', which is the base64 code for 'passw0rd!'. You can generate this value by using a base64 calculator such as the one at http://www.webutils.pl/index.php?idx=base64.

Then in domain controller section we also need to add security-realm property:

   <remote protocol="remote" host="" port="9999" username="slave" security-realm="ManagementRealm"  />

So the slave host could use the authentication information we provided in 'ManagementRealm'.

Dry Run

Now everything is set for the two hosts to run in domain mode. Let’s start them by running domain.sh on both hosts. If everything goes fine, we could see from the log on master:

[Host Controller] 21:30:52,042 INFO  [org.jboss.as.domain] (management-handler-threads - 1) JBAS010918: Registered remote slave host slave

That means all the configurations are correct and two hosts are run in domain mode now as expected. Hurrah!

18.4. Deployment

Now we can deploy a demo project into the domain. I have created a simple project located at:


We can use git command to fetch a copy of the demo:

git clone git://github.com/liweinan/cluster-demo.git

In this demo project we have a very simple web application. In web.xml we’ve enabled session replication by adding following entry:


And it contains a jsp page called put.jsp which will put current time to a session entry called 'current.time':

    session.setAttribute("current.time", new java.util.Date());

Then we could fetch this value from get.jsp:

The time is <%= session.getAttribute("current.time") %>

It’s an extremely simple project but it could help us to test the cluster later: We will access put.jsp from cluster and see the request are distributed to master, then we disconnect master and access get.jsp. We should see the request is forwarded to slave but the 'current.time' value is held by session replication. We’ll cover more details on this one later.

Let’s go back to this demo project. Now we need to create a war from it. In the project directory, run the following command to get the war:

mvn package

It will generate cluster-demo.war. Then we need to deploy the war into domain. First we should access the http management console on master(Because master is acting as domain controller):

It will popup a windows ask you to input account name and password, we can use the 'admin' account we’ve added just now. After logging in we could see the 'Server Instances' window. By default there are three servers listed, which are:

  • server-one

  • server-two

  • server-three

We could see server-one and server-two are in running status and they belong to main-server-group; server-three is in idle status, and it belongs to other-server-group.

All these servers and server groups are set in domain.xml on master as7. What we are interested in is the 'other-server-group' in domain.xml:

<server-group name="other-server-group" profile="ha">
   <jvm name="default">
       <heap size="64m" max-size="512m"/>
   <socket-binding-group ref="ha-sockets"/>

We could see this server-group is using 'ha' profile, which then uses 'ha-sockets' socket binding group. It enable all the modules we need to establish cluster later(including infinispan, jgroup and mod_cluster modules). So we will deploy our demo project into a server that belongs to 'other-server-group', so 'server-three' is our choice.

In newer version of WildFly, the profile 'ha' changes to 'full-ha':
<server-group name="other-server-group" profile="full-ha">

Let’s go back to domain controller’s management console:

Now server-three is not running, so let’s click on 'server-three' and then click the 'start' button at bottom right of the server list. Wait a moment and server-three should start now.

Now we should also enable 'server-three' on slave: From the top of menu list on left side of the page, we could see now we are managing master currently. Click on the list, and click 'slave', then choose 'server-three', and we are in slave host management page now.

Then repeat the steps we’ve done on master to start 'server-three' on slave.

server-three on master and slave are two different hosts, their names can be different.

After server-three on both master and slave are started, we will add our cluster-demo.war for deployment. Click on the 'Manage Deployments' link at the bottom of left menu list.

(We should ensure the server-three should be started on both master and slave)

After enter 'Manage Deployments' page, click 'Add Content' at top right corner. Then we should choose our cluster-demo.war, and follow the instruction to add it into our content repository.

Now we can see cluster-demo.war is added. Next we click 'Add to Groups' button and add the war to 'other-server-group' and then click 'save'.

Wait a few seconds, management console will tell you that the project is deployed into 'other-server-group'.:


Please note we have two hosts participate in this server group, so the project should be deployed in both master and slave now - that’s the power of domain management.

Now let’s verify this, trying to access cluster-demo from both master and slave, and they should all work now:



Now that we have finished the project deployment and see the usages of domain controller, we will then head up for using these two hosts to establish a cluster

Why is the port number 8330 instead of 8080? Please check the settings in host.xml on both master and slave:
<server name="server-three" group="other-server-group" auto-start="false">
    <!-- server-three avoids port conflicts by incrementing the ports in
         the default socket-group declared in the server-group -->
    <socket-bindings port-offset="250"/>

The port-offset is set to 250, so 8080 + 250 = 8330

Now we quit the WildFly process on both master and slave. We have some work left on host.xml configurations. Open the host.xml of master, and do some modifications the servers section from:

<server name="server-three" group="other-server-group" auto-start="false">
    <!-- server-three avoids port conflicts by incrementing the ports in
         the default socket-group declared in the server-group -->
    <socket-bindings port-offset="250"/>


<server name="server-three" group="other-server-group" auto-start="true">
    <!-- server-three avoids port conflicts by incrementing the ports in
         the default socket-group declared in the server-group -->
    <socket-bindings port-offset="250"/>

We’ve set auto-start to true so we don’t need to enable it in management console each time WildFly restart. Now open slave’s host.xml, and modify the server-three section:

<server name="server-three-slave" group="other-server-group" auto-start="true">
    <!-- server-three avoids port conflicts by incrementing the ports in
         the default socket-group declared in the server-group -->
    <socket-bindings port-offset="250"/>

Besides setting auto-start to true, we’ve renamed the 'server-three' to 'server-three-slave'. We need to do this because mod_cluster will fail to register the hosts with same name in a single server group. It will cause name conflict.

After finishing the above configuration, let’s restart two as7 hosts and go on cluster configuration.

18.5. Cluster Configuration

We will use mod_cluster + apache httpd on master as our cluster controller here. Because WildFly 11 has been configured to support mod_cluster out of box so it’s the easiest way.

The WildFly 11 domain controller and httpd are not necessary to be on same host. But in this article I just install them all on master for convenience.

First we need to ensure that httpd is installed:

sudo yum install httpd

And then we need to download newer version of mod_cluster from its website:


The version I downloaded is:

Jean-Frederic has suggested to use mod_cluster 1.2.x. Because 1.1.x it is affected by CVE-2011-4608

With mod_cluster-1.2.0 you need to add EnableMCPMReceive in the VirtualHost.

Then we extract it into:


Then we edit httpd.conf:

sudo vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

We should add the modules:

LoadModule slotmem_module modules/mod_slotmem.so
LoadModule manager_module modules/mod_manager.so
LoadModule proxy_cluster_module modules/mod_proxy_cluster.so
LoadModule advertise_module modules/mod_advertise.so

Please note we should comment out:

#LoadModule proxy_balancer_module modules/mod_proxy_balancer.so

This is conflicted with cluster module. And then we need to make httpd to listen to public address so we could do the testing. Because we installed httpd on master host so we know the ip address of it:


Then we do the necessary configuration at the bottom of httpd.conf:

# This Listen port is for the mod_cluster-manager, where you can see the status of mod_cluster.
# Port 10001 is not a reserved port, so this prevents problems with SELinux.
# This directive only applies to Red Hat Enterprise Linux. It prevents the temmporary
# files from being written to /etc/httpd/logs/ which is not an appropriate location.
MemManagerFile /var/cache/httpd
  <Directory />
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from 10.211.55.
  # This directive allows you to view mod_cluster status at URL
  <Location /mod_cluster-manager>
   SetHandler mod_cluster-manager
   Order deny,allow
   Deny from all
   Allow from 10.211.55.
  KeepAliveTimeout 60
  MaxKeepAliveRequests 0
  ManagerBalancerName other-server-group
  AdvertiseFrequency 5
For more details on mod_cluster configurations please see this document:

18.6. Testing

If everything goes fine we can start httpd service now:

service httpd start

Now we access the cluster:


We should see the request is distributed to one of the hosts(master or slave) from the WildFly log. For me the request is sent to master:

[Server:server-three] 16:06:22,256 INFO  [stdout] (http- Putting date now

Now I disconnect master by using the management interface. Select 'runtime' and the server 'master' in the upper corners.

Select 'server-three' and kick the stop button, the active-icon should change.

Killing the server by using system commands will have the effect that the Host-Controller restart the instance imediately!

Then wait for a few seconds and access cluster:


Now the request should be served by slave and we should see the log from slave:

[Server:server-three-slave] 16:08:29,860 INFO  [stdout] (http- Getting date now

And from the get.jsp we should see that the time we get is the same we’ve put by 'put.jsp'. Thus it’s proven that the session is correctly replicated to slave.

Now we restart master and should see the host is registered back to cluster.

It doesn’t matter if you found the request is distributed to slave at first time. Then just disconnect slave and do the testing, the request should be sent to master instead. The point is we should see the request is redirect from one host to another and the session is held.

18.7. Special Thanks

Wolf-Dieter Fink has contributed the updated add-user.sh usages and configs in host.xml from 7.1.0.Final.
Jean-Frederic Clere provided the mod_cluster 1.2.0 usages.
Misty Stanley-Jones has given a lot of suggestions and helps to make this document readable.